University of Arizona School of Theatre, Film & Television Assoc. Professor Dr. Barbara Selznick and Asst. Professor Dr. Anna Cooper were both recently featured in Mark McLemore and Chris Dashiel’s Arizona Public Media podcast Let’s All Go to the Lobby.
Prof. Selznick was joined on her segment by Alice de Buhr. They engaged in a freewheeling conversation about films that made a mark on their lives, the influences they see on both the musical and horror genres, and things in films that make them avoid watching with hosts McLemore and Dashiel.
Prof. Cooper’s episode also featured Africana Studies Adjunct Faculty member Ntare A. Gault. Cooper and Gault conversed about the connection between glamor and colonization in films.
“Let’s All Go to The Lobby!” is hosted by Arizona Spotlight producer Mark McLemore and film essayist Chris Dashiell. On the podcast they invite film fans to ‘join them in the lobby’ – to stock up on recommendations and history in an ongoing, upbeat conversation about great films from anytime and everywhere.
Previously, TFTV alum Linda Paola Varela (BFA, ’22) also featured on the podcast. You can read more about her episode here.
Dr. Selznick's EpisodeDr. Cooper's Episode