Offer an Internship
Interested in Offering an Internship?
The University of Arizona School of Theatre, Film & Television manages an active film and television internship program placing students in local, regional and national organizations.
An organization sponsoring an intern must assign a full-time media professional as the internship supervisor and agree to the following:
- Provide a description of the internship on company letterhead or via company email.
- Provide a description of the company’s mission and a link to the company’s website.
- Train the intern.
- Supervise and evaluate the intern’s performance periodically throughout the term of the internship.
- Write an evaluation of the intern’s performance when the internship is completed.
- Submit an Internship Grade Recommendation for the intern’s work.
Interested in offering an internship? Please contact Justine Collins, or at (520) 621-7007.
An internal Film & Television Internship Committee will review requests for interns. If approved for Film & Television Internship credit, the request will be posted to our student listserv.