This summer, University of Arizona School of Theatre, Film & Television (TFTV) alumni Myles Gordon (BFA, ’23), Ryan Ramsey (BFA, ’23), Kaila Hines (BA, ’23), Anna Agosto (BFA, ’23) and Jackson Huffman (BFA, ’24) screened their senior thesis films to a capacity audience at San Diego Comic-Con 2024.
The three films – The Rematch (directed by Myles Gordon, produced by Gordon and Kaila Hines, edited by Ryan Ramsey), Light Up, Lulu (written, produced and directed by Anna Gabriella Agosto), and Ricardo Rivera and the Mines of Montezuma (directed and edited by Jackson Huffman, co-produced and photographed by Tatum Sailors) – screened at the world’s largest pop-culture event as official selections of the San Diego International Children’s Film Festival, which partners annually with Comic-Con.

“The San Diego International Children’s Film Festival was so impressed by the three TFTV films we selected to screen this year,” said the festival’s director Dan Bennett. “These films are a continuation of the quality filmmaking we’ve seen in TFTV films over the past three years. TFTV films are bold, inventive, well-crafted, and innovative, with superb acting, and resonant storytelling, conveying the confidence of young filmmakers who have been taught well and show incredible promise for the future.”
Bennett continued: “This year’s TFTV films were dynamic in so many ways. Light Up Lulu is a charming, visually compelling film that teaches as it entertains. The Rematch comes from the heart and embraces the value of perseverance and the quiet power of family bonds. Ricardo Rivera and the Mines of Montezuma is the perfect Comic-Con film – an adventure with humor, and excellent pacing. It was the perfect trio.”
As a result of their successful screening, the films garnered attention from additional festival programmers both nationally and internationally. Light Up Lulu, The Rematch and Ryan Ramsey’s film Deserted went on to screen at the West Sound Film Festival in Washington, and in October both Light Up Lulu and The Rematch will screen at the Re-Generation International Youth Film Festival in Melbourne, Australia.
Myles and Ryan’s video diary of the emerging filmmakers’ experience at Comic-Con is now available to watch on YouTube.
In a November 7 episode of AZPM’s Arizona Spotlight, host Mark McLemore spoke with Myles, Jackson and Anna about their experience at Comic-Con interacting with audiences of all ages and taking part in a legendary Comic-Con panel. Listen below.