On April 1, the original piece From the Fishbowl debuted online where it streamed through April 18, 2021. In a first-time collaboration, The University of Arizona School of Theatre, Film & Television (TFTV) partnered with the Scoundrel & Scamp Theatre to present the fantastical new work devised in collaboration with Theatre Studies and Design & Technical Production students and directed by the illusionist and physical theatre creator and TFTV guest artist Wolfe Bowart. The work drew the attention of reviewer Michael Schweickardt, who explored the “digital fantasia” in a review for The Theatre Times.
Michael Schweikardt: “From the Fishbowl, which explores our new ‘normal’ through the lenses of early cinema and stage illusion, delights and entertains, but it also makes one think about what it must be like to grow up during this pandemic. … In performance, it documents the moment of a young person struggling to come of age during the pandemic better than any oral history or written diary account ever could.”
Read the full review at The Theatre Times