From the boundless, quirky imagination of Monty Python’s Terry Gilliam, TIME BANDITS is the story of a boy named Kevin who travels through time with a group of dwarves. Using a magic map, Kevin and his friends journey from Ancient Greece to the Napoleonic Era to the Titanic, seeking to steal history’s greatest treasures. Unfortunately their activities have caught the attention of an evil sorcerer, who wants the map for his own! One of the most visually stunning and original fantasy films of all time, TIME BANDITS stars Sean Connery and John Cleese.
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Widescreen Wednesdays Series – Traveling Through Time
Join faculty and students from the School of Theatre, Film & Television as we take a cinematic journey through time…from Ancient Greece to World War II, to the distant future!
Over the course of the year, we will watch science fiction and fantasy classics from the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s – films about time travel that will thrill you, make you laugh, and make you think. The Widescreen Wednesdays series features not only the screening of a complete feature film, but a lively and informative introduction to each film by a UA professor. Plus, a student from the BFA Film & Television program will present one of his or her short films!