Low-budget horror movie director Lawrence Woolsey (played by John Goodman) travels from town to town showing kitschy films like Mant (half man – half ant!) to theaters packed full of screaming kids. In October 1962 he finds himself in Key West during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the cheesy atomic horror in his films begins to strangely reflect the horror of everyday life during the Cold War. Joe Dante’s charming film is a nostalgic look back at the way cheap horror movies can have a special impact on you, especially when you’re young.
Film Introduced by Dr. Bradley Schauer
Widescreen Wednesday Series – MOVIES ABOUT FILM & TELEVISION
Join faculty from the School of Theatre, Film & Television as they screen their favorite movies about film and television. At each screening, a faculty member will introduce their film of choice and share insight about the film’s history and significance to the entertainment industry. Select screenings will be enhanced with the presentation of a short film by a BFA film student in the program.