Join us for the World Premiere of FAMDEMIC, an original network-style comedy pilot created by UA School of Theatre, Film & Television students – the culmination of a Sitcom Boot Camp guided by award-winning director Brian Levant (Happy Days, Mork & Mindy, Beethoven, The Spy Next Door). Watch the story and characters come to life as professional actors, cast by Levant, read the speaking parts in a virtual, staged table read. The cast includes Marion Ross (Mrs. Cunningham from Happy Days), Brian Haley (Gran Torino), Alex Meneses (Everybody Loves Raymond), Jim Meskimen (Family Guy), Julia Reilly (School Spirit, Dead Silent), Alex Simpson (Figment Crave, UA BFA Acting 2023) and Zane Austin (Max II).
When: Wednesday, October 28th, 7:30pm
Cost: FREE