Every student in the School of Theatre, Film & Television receives regular academic advisement. Advisors are assigned based on the degree plan selected. It is very important that each student consult with his/her advisor(s) in person at least once each semester, well before registering for classes. Consultation with an advisor can avoid unnecessary coursework and delays in graduation.
appointment scheduling
Click on one of the following advisors to schedule an advising appointment:
Mrs. Hannah Meyer:
Prospective Film & Television majors and minors
BA & BFA Film & Television majors last names A-L
Film & Television minors last names A-L
Theatre Arts majors last names A-L
Live and Screened Performance majors A-L
Ms. Keshia Neal:
Prospective Film & Television majors and minors
BA & BFA Film & Television majors last names M-Z
Film & Television minors last names M-Z
BFA Acting, Musical Theatre, and Design Tech majors
Theatre Arts majors last names M-Z
Live and Screened Performance majors M-Z
Mr. Brian Peel:
Prospective Theatre Arts minors
Theatre Arts minors
While academic advising is available to assist a student in his/her particular program of study, it is the student’s responsibility to read the online catalog, seek advising, and meet all requirements for the completion of the degree as stated in the catalog. Please see the “UAccess Advisement Report” section, below.
UAccess advisement report
Your UAccess advisement report is a computerized degree audit, that checks courses for which you are registered or have completed against the requirements of your program(s). It is recommended that you check the PDF version of your advisement report at least three times per semester:
- before classes begin,
- in the middle of the semester after registering for classes for the following semester, and
- after grades are posted.
You can get your advisement report from your UAccess Student Center. Click here for specific instructions. If you have questions about your advisement report, make an appointment with your advisor.
Additional specific information for current Theatre, Film & Television students is available on the CFA console, under “Forms, Documents, Downloads”. Information here includes internship procedures, degree checksheets, and a variety of important departmental forms
Goals of advising
As an institution, the goals of academic advising include helping students:
- Clarify their life and career goals
- Develop suitable educational plans
- Select appropriate courses and complementary educational experiences
- Interpret institutional requirements
- Enhance their awareness of available educational resources (such as internship opportunities, honors, and tutoring programs)
- Evaluate their progress toward established goals
- Assist them in completing degree requirements in a timely manner
- Develop decision-making skills
- Reinforce their self direction
- Seek out and use support services in the institution and the community
- Collect and distribute data regarding student needs, preferences and performance for use in making institutional decisions and policy